Alex is taking the opportunity of the shortened class day (she's done for the day at noon three days of the week). She has signed up for SCUBA lessons and has joined different clubs on campus like the Zoo & Wildlife club, the Pathology club, and the Theriogenology club. AL has said she wants to use the groups to gain some experiences she feels she missed out on while she was volunteering at a vet clinic. Hopefully it will help inform her decision on any specialties she may wish to pursue after the basics. I'm excited that she is able to sort of direct her own interests instead of simply being told what to do and where to go.
I am doing the same old thing. Working at the prep school, taking grad classes on line, playing a couple of different intramural sports, and trying to sail and SCUBA when I can. I am looking forward to a quick trip home in early July to visit family and attend a wedding in Boston. Beyond that I have nothing else.
If anyone wants to come down and visit, let me know. At this point the only novelty to be had down here is by showing off this place to someone else. Will you be the one who helps to make this happen?